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Do Your Part

We believe that there is no singular answer every little bit helps when it comes to making an impact. There are many meaningful ways you can help us succeed in our mission. Have an idea that’s not listed below? Reach out and let us know.

be kind

Organizing an Event

Your Help is Truly Appreciated

Every individual has the ability to motivate others and inspire true change. By Organizing an Event, you become a crucial part of our movement by making sure that our mission is heard and has a far-reaching, lasting impact. 
You can always with the help of your teachers organize an event at school.

Take Action: Take Action

Time for change

Making HERstory

Take Action: Welcome

The fight for women’s rights 

Making HERstory

Take Action: Welcome

A Conversation with HE Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh

Take Action: Welcome
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